Versuri: Aziza Qobilova – Ya la la [English Lyrics]
I’m bored without you , I’m tired from suffering , my lady
How many times I told you I’m in love with you for long time
I’m bored without you , I’m tried from suffering , my lady
I declared
That I want you to be officially..
To be mine
To enjoy the life together
You , my destiny
I will bring you home my deer
To enjoy the life together
I’m bored without you , I’m tried from suffering , my lady
How many times I told you I’m in love with you for long time
I’m bored without you , I’m tried from suffering , my lady
Look at me , and try to understand me , every night , I keep thinking of you my love
It’s been long you are living in my heart and I feel chained to you
How many times I told you I’m in love with you for long time16
My laaady